Interview Jacksonville, by Jean Morris 11 September, 1964.

Q: Paul said ya’ll were n actors. Does this mean that in your movies you were just being yourselves?

Q: When were you acting?
JOHN: We’d have to sit through and point out the parts as they came on (a gear suggestion for us!)

Q: Does your hair require any special care?
JOHN: “Inattention is the main thing” .

Q: Have you composed any new numbers over here?
A: Two.

Q: Do you ever go unnoticed?
PAUL: “When we take our wigs off.”

Q: When do yo start your next movie?
A: February.

Q” If John doesn’t like glasses, why doesn’t he get contact lenses?
JOHN: “I’ve never taken time to go to an optometrist. Besides, I wouldn’t like glass in me head.”

Q: George, do you have a cousin named Ted?
A: No!

Q: What are each of ya’ll’s favorite songs?
PAUL: “If I Fell”

GEORGE: “You Can’t do that”

JOHN: “Bits and Pieces” (by the Dave Clark Five)

RINGO: “A Hard Day’s Night”

Q: How do you feel about ya’ll and the President coming to town on the same day?
JOHN: “Amazing.”

Q: What do you think you’ve contributed to the musical field?
A: Records (30 million) and George: “A laugh and a smile.”

Q: Why do you avoid the press?
Paul :”We don’t. We do what the police -the sheriff- the posse tell us.”

Q: What will you do when the bubble bursts?
Paul: John and I might keep on with song writing.

Q: “Do you have any nicknames among yourselves?”
PAUL: “Nicknames?”
JOHN: “Well, I call George, Ray Coleman.”
GEORGE: “I call Ringo, Dave. But apart from that we don’t.”
PAUL: “We’re lying, of course.”

Q: “Are you concerned about the rumor that’s going around that the Rolling Stones are more important than the Beatles?”
JOHN: “Is it worrying us? No.”
RINGO: “No.”
PAUL: “It doesn’t worry us, ‘cuz you get…”
JOHN: “We manage our grief.”
PAUL: (giggles) “You get these rumors every so often, you know. I mean…”
GEORGE: “Dave Clark.”
PAUL: “Dave Clark was bigger than us a couple of months ago. It doesn’t always have to mean an awful lot.”
GEORGE: “Every two months we hear of ’em taking over.”

JEAN MORRIS: “Paul, you’re the only unmarried Beatle, or are you the only married Beatle?”
PAUL: “You’ve got it mixed up, Jean. John’s the only married one. All the rest of us are unmarried and single and free, and everything.”

JEAN: “And you’re available.”
PAUL: “Yes.”
JOHN: “You can get him on H.P.”
GEORGE: “Hello.”

JEAN: (to George) “Hi. You’re not married.”
GEORGE: “No, I’m George. Haaaaaaaaaa.”

JEAN: “Did you write (This Boy Instrumental) ‘Ringo’s Theme’?
GEORGE: “No. Did you?”
JOHN: “Where have you been, Jean?”

JEAN: “No, I think it’s BEAUTIFUL.”
GEORGE: “You haven’t been reading the little bits of paper, have you. It SAYS who writes Ringo’s Theme and…”
PAUL: “Actually, it was John and I who wrote Ringo’s Theme.”

JEAN: “It’s a BEAUTIFUL piece.”
PAUL: “Thank you. Thank you, Jean.”

JEAN: (to John) “And you’re the married one, right?”
JOHN: (full-out laughing) “That’s me, Jean.”
PAUL: (giggles)

JEAN: “What does your wife think about your traveling away all the time?”

JOHN: “Well, she don’t like it, Jean, much. But she doesn’t mind too much because it makes a lot of money for her, eh, Jean?”

JEAN: “Why don’t you come to Tampa and see US sometime?”
JOHN: “Come where?”

JEAN: “Tampa, Florida.”
JOHN: “Oh, I thought you said something else. Well, we’d LOVE to. We’d love to do that, Jean. Maybe we will one day.”

JEAN: “We’ll be looking for you.”
GEORGE: (moving her along) “Great, there’s Ringo!”

JEAN: “Well, Hi Ringo. Where are your drums?”
RINGO: “Probably at the place we’re gonna play tonight, Whatever it’s called.”

JEAN: “The Gator Bowl.”
RINGO: “The Gator Bowl.”

JEAN: “Do you always eat on the run like this?”
RINGO: “No, we sit down like this.”

JEAN: “No, I mean, with all these people don’t you get indigestion?”
RINGO: “Well, we usually eat in the room, but seeing the hotel’s got no room for us, we have to eat here, you see.”
JOHN: “That was unfortunate, that.”
RINGO: “Unfortunate.”

JEAN: “Do all of the teenagers outside, in the mobs that you have, that are always around… Do they bother you?”
RINGO: “No, never. Not yet. They may do when I get old, but I’m pretty young yet.”

JEAN: (laughing) “Thank you very much.”
JOHN AND PAUL: “Thank you, Jean.”
JOHN: “Okay, Jean.”
PAUL: “See ya, Jean.”

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