The interview was in Ireland. Julia Baird talking about the social networks, her website, about his book, future projects and – of course – John…
Julia, first of all I would like to thank you for this time you are giving me to talk a little bit about you, about John and about your future projects.
BEATLES MAGAZINE: Julia, last year you created your own website and so this way you are getting closer with fans on social networks- How do you feel about this?
Julia Baird: Well, the website was created for me!!!! I wouldn’t know where to start!…mal Holmes, of OMD, is a friend…and he created it…then another friend set me up on FB…this all happened last September—October…and then I worked out how to do Twitter myself…although I haven’t actually used it much yet. It’s good thing, because I get to know what the fans are up to!!!!…and thinking, a bit…and I can return that…I am still amazed when I see some of the phots…copyright!!! what IS that?????? How the world has changed in the last ten years!
BM: Your book “The Private John
Lennon” ( USA)/ “Imagine This” (England) it´s wonderful, moving, very direct and very well written. In this book you tell us about John’s childhood. Julia could you please tell me which is the most special recollection you have from John?

Julia Baird: For recollections of John’s childhood..and where it touched mne…you really have to read the book..otheriwise I’ll end up re-writing it here….he was a normal brother to two small sisters…he played with us, babysat for us, collected us from school sometimes, drew pictures for us, just like our Mother did…helped me to learn my maths tables…repetition…and rewarded me with big swings…read us…me and Jackie, stories….tossed us around…it’s all in the book…

BM: When was the last time you had contact with John?
Julia Baird: We last saw John in 1968…the year I got married and moved to Ireland for the first time…he re-established phone contact himself in 1974…and we maintained that until just before he died..and we wrote letters..
BM : What are your future projects?
Julia Baird: Future projects???? I do some voluntary fundrasing for Medicos Sin Fronteras…of a Beatles nature…we put on concerts, make cd’s all the proceeds…and I do mean ALL…go straight to buy medicines for children in 3rd world countries….I must tell you that the cd, put out last year sold out completely…and that Yoko took part too, to help sell it…
BM: Once again, I would like to thank you for this time Julia.
Julia Baird: I hope this is nearly what you want, Lovely Rita!!!!!!!!, and I like Beatles magazine…it feeds the fans who feed the magazine..that can only be a good thing!!!
BM: Ooh, Thank you so much Julia!.