AI music has hit one of those moments where individual news stories come thick and fast, creating a bigger picture of how rapidly the technology  is evolving.

Artists are experimenting with generative AI; artists are also being experimented on with it; money is pouring into the industry from investors; and regulators are scrambling to keep up with developments.

You can listen “New” on YouTube video with a recording which has taken Paul McCartney’s 2013 track and added in backing vocals from an Artificial Intelligence John Lennon.

They’ve done the reverse with John Lennon’s posthumously-released ‘Grow Old With Me’ too. “We love you, lads. No copyright infringement intended. This is an AI creation,” explains the ‘New’ video listing. These tracks are a pointer to what could be achieved by artists.

Away from hobbyist projects, the funding continues to increase for commercial generative-AI companies.

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