Brian Ray is a great person, great musician, guitarist, bassist, singer–songwriter and musical director, is rhythm, lead and bass guitarist with Paul McCartney many years ago…he has worked with an extensive list of artists in addition to his own solo career with The Bayonets…thank you Brian!
BEATLES MAGAZINE: Your first contact with the music was at the age of 9 years old , you saw the Beatles on the Ed Sullivan show and you witnessed Beatlemania . How do you remember that ?
When the Beatles arrived you really had this feeling that these 4 guys are a unit and they decide what they sound like . They sounded so vital and different and I was taken and I’ve never waken up of it . Thanks God !
BM: Many musicians dream of playing with Paul McCartney . Did you ever imagine you would be there in a band with Paul ?
BR: You know , Paul is , before anything else , he’s a man , he’s a family man , he’s a father , he’s a friend , a kind hardy man , so you start with that first and then you hear his catalogue of music and his ability that still play all of the songs he wrote 50 years ago , the ability to still write songs, so you feel like you’re really doing something special , not because he’s a superstar , but because he’s a super talent and a pretty super person , so you know , it’s a gift that I can even quantify . It’s a gift !

BR: When I’m home I really like a life style, I like the ocean. And I enjoy the company of my friends , my family . My parents are getting older now , so I’m treasuring my time with them and I behave me like a good son and they need me. I have a very simple life, I like unplugged , I have a lovely home with the ocean view , I like to do what I like , have nice meals with nice friends , read a little bit , bycicling on the beach on ( White Palm ) , walk my dog , and hang out with who I love . It’s pretty simple !
BR: Well , I have a friend called Rob who has been a supporter of my solo music for 10 years , really since 2005 – almost 10 years – he was guiding me then way back , he helped me with the physical release of THIS WAY UP , my second solo album , did some advicing and some assistance. Now The Bayonets had a first song last year , and I played him “SUCKER FOR LOVE” and “SMARTPHONE” – first 2 singles, a success on the radio. The title of the new album is Crash , boom , bang
BR: Yeah , it’s very different ! You know , the Bayonets is a partnership between myself and Oliver, who’s a really good songwriter and producer in his own right . He’s been working for , you know , 30 years in his own field doing Pop …. beat music for people like …. Adam lambert ,…. Rod Stewart , ….. Paula Abdul… He is a very , very strong talent , so our music takes a different angle in my solo stuff . Oliver also wrote with me my solo material . He wrote 4 , 5 songs in my first 2 records.
BR: Well , with Oliver – like any songwriter – it starts with one of us having the beginning of an idea , wether it’s a title or a guitar lick or a melody or sometimes close to a whole song almost finished .
BR: Well , I usually doing most of the chords and the melody and hearing the arrangements in my head , off the pallet of sound, and Oliver – he’s an incredibly lyricist – so usually , say 8 times out of 10 , Oliver writing the lyrics – kind of bubbling in his head , I throw a line , he’ll write a line and I throw a line and he’ll improve that line and so it’s a great partnership , we really have a lot of fun laughing . And in a couple of songs he came to me with the start of the song . “SUCKER FOR LOVE” was his beginning and a new song called “WOODO DOG” on the new record was his beginning and then I finished it.
BR: Yeah , I hope to do a record release party , ’cause the album released following on Robo records in July , I make the date clear later, but are 10 newest songs, 10 songs , 5 from last year …This July , coming soon !
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