Two McCartneys on stage? Yes, it is possible. It happened this week in Australia during Paul’s soundcheck for a small group of fans at McDonald Jones stadium in Newcastle. Learn the sweet story of McCartney, “little Macca.”
We spoke to Katie, McCartney’s mom, and she told us about her experience.
Beatles Magazine: How long have you been a fan of Paul McCartney?
Katie Sanderson: I’ve been a fan of The Beatles and Paul since I was a little girl. My older brother started listening to them and we rented Yellow Submarine from the video store on VHS. We must have watched it a million times. As I grew up, I had a wonderful music teacher who encouraged listening to The Beatles and learning their songs on piano. I did ‘Let It Be’ as part of my final school music exam performances.
BM: Tell us about the name of your little son
KS: I saw Paul in Melbourne in 2017 on the ‘One On One’ Tour and was absolutely sobbing by the end of the concert. I said to my husband that our next (and last) baby would be named McCartney after Paul. Our little McCartney was born in 2019. He’s grown to love his namesake, listening to The Beatles and Paul’s solo work. He watches Paul’s tour videos and loves The Beatles movies. He especially loves playing The Beatles Rockband!
BM: Did you think Paul would ever return to Australia?
KS: We didn’t think, we never dreamed that Paul would ever come back to Australia so when we heard rumblings that Paul was returning with the Got Back Tour, we absolutely couldn’t believe it. I managed to secure Premium VIP tickets for McCartney and I to go to the show (the rest of the family sat in the stands). We had been involved with some media surrounding the local Beatlesfest that started in Lithgow NSW, Australia, earlier this month and as the concert day drew closer I had been contacted by the Newcastle Herald who asked to do an interview with us and a photoshoot with my McCartney. He then featured on the front page on Tuesday 24th October – the day of the concert!
BM: And… It was time for the soundcheck
KS: As we went out into the stadium for the soundcheck, we were approached by one of Paul’s publicity people, who told us they’d seen little McCartney on the front page of the paper that morning. She took some photos and messaged someone to say we were here. We didn’t think too much more of it and soundcheck began. About two-thirds of the way through, after Paul finished ‘Ram On’, he looked out into the audience and said something like ‘I believe there’s a little boy out there by the name of McCartney, would he like to come up?’ So of course we jumped at the chance and were escorted by security backstage. We had also met a fellow Paul McCartney fan from one of the online groups, Belinda and her 11 year old son, Lennon that day and they followed us up backstage as well. We then waited for Paul to finish the next song before being led onto the stage, waving and greeting Brian, Abe, Wix and Rusty as we went. Then there was Paul. He asked my name then looked at my little Macca and said “I think I know you, what’s your name” and offered McCartney the microphone. After he said his name, the crowd cheered!! It was amazing!! Paul then said we should do a dance and sing a song. His famous Hofner was brought over, which little McCartney was just mesmerised by. Paul suggested ‘Drive My Car’ and we danced and sang along! Afterwards we had a quick hug and Belinda asked Rusty to snap a photo on her phone, which he did! Then we thanked Paul and everyone and off we went.
BM: How did you feel on stage?
KS: One sweet dream came true! I cannot believe how calm I was, he really made me feel as if he was just an old friend! I wasn’t shaking or crying or any of the overwhelm that I’d felt during the 2017 concert. It was simply magical! I cannot thank him enough for being so kind to give us his time that day. Something we will treasure forever! That evening at the concert McCartney and I were in the second row and caught Paul’s eye a few times. He gave us a nod or a little wave. It really capped off a Beautiful Night!.

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