Paul McCartney spoke in a recent interview which released on his official website, and revealed a sad story about his late bandmates John Lennon and George Harrison. He explained why he wanted to make music for his Russians fans, and during that explanation, he remembered his teenager times with John Lennon and George Harrison.
Here’s the statement:
“This morning, before I came here, I was listening to my jukebox and I’ve got a lot of early rock’n’roll stuff on there.
So, it’s incredible for me listening to that music now as it takes me back to being a teenager, you know. I remember me, John and George …before we met Ringo even, we would be sitting around and listening to these records. Now, they’re so nostalgic and it’s interesting to hear them because you have a whole different perspective as you’re making records yourself. You hear them and they’re quite rough. They’re rough and ready in a really cool way. They’re not bad rough, they’re great rough!
That’s actually very hard to achieve and the people making those records, that was the best they could do, and we just loved those things. That was where we formed our musical tastes during those years, listening to those kind of things. Like what did I hear this morning… ‘Sweet Little Sixteen’ and ‘Maybelline’ by Chuck Berry. ‘Twenty Flight Rock’ by Eddie Cochran and ‘Keep a Knockin’ by Little Richard. All of those things, like ‘Searchin’’ by The Coasters! A lot of these things we used to do live in our early days.
“Now, I was at a point when I was wanting to make this album, “The Russian Album”. I wanted to tribute those songs, and just have the fun of playing them, because I love them so much. So, I thought, ‘Okay, I’ll do that’. And just get together a bunch of guys, as I didn’t have a regular band at the time. I thought I’d just get together a bunch of guys who I know are good and we’ll have fun and we’ll just play these songs. We’ll rehearse them very briefly and then we’ll just crack on and do them. And not spend much time on it.”