Speaking in a recent interview with Ovidiu Cernăuțeanu, one of the most iconic music stars of all time, The Beatles’ Paul McCartney, has made a special statement about his musical direction and revealed his favorite musical chord.

In the interview, Ovi asked a question to learn out if he had a favorite chord and Paul answered:

“A favourite chord… That’s a hard question! But I would say E is a pretty big favourite. It’s one of the early chords you learn. And in the early days, we used to play the Buddy Holly songs that we listened to a lot.

He used E and A a lot, so we used E and A lot too. It’s a very pure basic chord and on the guitar it rings out beautifully because the bottom string is open. So it has a resonance that some other chords don’t have.

But they’re all good. I love them all basically, it’s hard to pick a favourite! But if I have to pick, I’ll go for E.”

Two weeks ago, Iron Maiden guitarist Adrian Smith revealed a story about how Maiden guitarist Dave Murray met The Beatles legend, Paul McCartney in the interview with Talk Is Jericho podcast

In the conversation, Adrian had shared the story he received from Dave Murray and revealed what Paul McCartney thinks about Iron Maiden. Also, he mentioned Johhny Cash’s thoughts too.

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