The Beatles perform their legendary “rooftop concert” at Apple Studios, 3 Savile Row in London. 

The weeks preceding the “Rooftop Concert,” had been for the band full of both lethargy.
Thursday, Jan. 30, 1969, turned out to be the last time The Beatles performed together in public.

The group play for about 42 minutes, about half of which is included in the movie “Let It Be”.

Billy Preston was an old friend of The Beatles.

On the rooftop, Billy made his biggest contribution to the song “Get Back,” with his electric piano solo.

The police arrive, after neighbors complain, and they bring the Beatles’ final live performance to a close. 

The Beatles perform “Get Back” three times (twice to open the performance and a third time to close it).

The Beatles also perform:
“Don’t Let Me Down”
“I’ve Got a Feeling”
“The One After 909”
“Dig a Pony”
“I’ve Got a Feeling”
“Don’t Let Me Down”

The “Let It Be” movie includes the following ‘rooftop’ songs: 
“Don’t Let Me Down”
“I’ve Got a Feeling”
“The One After 909”
“Dig A Pony”
“Get Back”

The third take of “Get Back” is included on “The Beatles Anthology 3” (Disc two, Track 12).

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